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Logbook ​

The logbook is a long-term archive of your events. It offers a complete traceability of your events with relevant statistics through charts or maps.


This feature requires a specific subscription, it will not be available otherwise.

👉 You own an organisation ?

The default view in this activity is a timeline or history displaying all events sequentially in a given time range. In addition to usual events actions you will find there some information related to traceability like event creation/update/closing dates and participant count:



Once archived, data generated by the application are anonymized by suppressing personally identifiable information like names in order to limit your liability with respect to GDPR, but also as a privacy protection.

However, the content entered by your members is stored "as-is". As a consequence, you must ensure it complies GDPR.

You can switch to a cartographic view of your events to locate it accurately:

Archiving Map

Or display a heatmap to study its spatial distribution:

Archiving Heatmap

Last but not least, you will be able to produce statistics about your events and export the data to third-party application like Microsoft® Excel®:

Archiving Chart

👉 You manage an organisation ?

See also

How to enter the archived events activity from the

How to display the dashboard from the